CLUB:CLUB IS Working Towards a more Equitable Music Scene

CLUB:CLUB is a place that welcomes would-be musicians, DJs, sound explorers, researchers, and clubbers of many backgrounds, shapes, and sizes. With that being said this project especially centers the experiences of women-identified folk, Queer people, and People of Color. These populations are generally excluded to varying degrees from care, safety, assistance, access, and recognition in most spaces in the world whether they be professional, cultural or social. Unfortunately, the electronic music scene is often no different, with straight white men getting booked the most, receiving the most pay, and perpetrating the most harm on average.

In response CLUB:CLUB strives to be a community-minded project and seeks to cultivate a welcoming space for people - especially women, Queers, and POC - to learn, grow, and take refuge in as they come into their own as performers, party-goers, and friends. That is not to say that white people, cis people, and straight people are not wanted at CLUB:CLUB, but rather that as a community we must actively work to create space for individuals who may not get the opportunity to gain DJ, music production, or performance skills elsewhere. Ultimately CLUB:CLUB is a place to learn, grow, and experience joy. We believe that taking the time and energy to be intentional about our care for marginalized identities can only serve to bring about a more vibrant electronic music scene.

How Are We Following Through?

  1. Having a clear door policy for our events, including our CLUB:MEETS, our classes, and our parties.

  2. Offering sliding scale pricing to all, and scholarship seats for courses to individuals who self-identify as marginalized.

  3. Prioritizing workshops and courses from instructors with disadvantaged identities.

Links to further reading:

A report on gender inequality in the electronic music industry conducted by MIDiA research on behalf of Tunecore:

A study on non-consensual contact at clubs in NYC:

An article on the importance of door policies, nightlife safety, and maintaining dance spaces and culture for marginalized groups: